Glenwood-Lynwood Public Library subscribes to a number of electronic databases which are available to users of the Library. Unless otherwise noted, access to databases from home will require Glenwood-Lynwood Public Library cardholders to type in their library bar code number and PIN (if required). Your PIN is the last 4 digits of your phone number (or the number you set).
Please do not send us unsolicited requests to add your resource to our list of databases. We will not add it unless it is a database or resource the library subscribes to.
AtoZ Databases
AtoZdatabases is the Premier Job Search, Reference & Mailing List Database including 65 million business & executive profiles & 240 million residents. Ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and much more!
Ancestry Library Edition
Genealogical research using census records from 1790 to 1940; birth, marriage, and death records; immigration records; vital and church records; military records; and court, land, and probate records.
Only accessible in the library.
Duolingo for Schools
Duolingo is a free language-learning website that offers 85 different language courses in 24+ languages.
Educate Station
Educate Station content is created by a team of experienced and passionate educators from across the United States. Our educators bring vast subject-matter expertise, teaching credentials, and many years of experience as classroom teachers and curriculum developers. Through the content we create, we aim to provide ready-to-use, hands-on activities for kids to do at home or at school. The Educate Station team is committed to inspiring joyful learning and supporting kids, teachers, and parents.
eLibrary® helps simplify the research process and empowers novice researchers to more easily and efficiently choose their research topic and find authoritative information to support their research claim. It delivers one of the largest collections of periodical and digital media content editorially selected to support novice researchers.
More than 11,000 editor-created Research Topics pages deliver the essential elements on a vast array of people, places, historical events and eras, literary genres, current events, broad curricular themes and much more. All content is in 100% full text. 1,700+ magazines, newspapers, transcripts and digitized reference book content, more than seven million images, maps, websites, videos and interactive simulations.
For eLibrary users outside the library, use your library card number to login.
Illinois DMV Practice Tests
Free, ad-free, and registration-free Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) practice tests for car, motorcycle, and commercial vehicle licenses. Good for the learner’s permit test, driver’s license test and refresher test for seniors.
Illinois Legal Aid Online Forms
Find free real estate, civil, financial, health (and more!) legal forms and completion instructions, along with legal help and articles that explain the law in plain language powered by Illinois Legal Aid.
Learn over 70 world languages! From Spanish and English, to Russian and Japanese, you can learn at home or on the go with their Android or Apple apps. The app is equipped with an offline mode to learn anywhere, at any time even without WiFi.
You can create a profile or use Mango as a Guest. Be sure to have a Glenwood-Lynwood Public Library District Library Card
Reference Solutions (formerly Reference USA)
Reference Solutions is a powerful online reference and research tool providing library cardholders instant, real-time access to accurate, in-depth information on U.S. businesses (64 million) and U.S. residents (299 million).
Reference Solutions makes it faster and easier to find new business opportunities, research executives and companies, find news articles, conduct job searches, research papers, locate addresses and phone numbers, conduct market research and much more.
SWAN Catalog
Swan is our library’s on-line card catalog. Use this to find books, magazines, videos, cassettes and other materials owned by this library and other libraries in RAILS.
To Login: You will automatically be logged in when you click on the above link. To access personal account information, login to my account using your name, full library card number and pin number (If you have never logged in before, you will need to create a PIN).
World History Encyclopedia
A non-profit organization publishing the an encyclopedia to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide.
We only place resources & databases the library subscribes to or are relevant to Illinois.