The Glenwood-Lynwood Public Library complies with all of the State of Illinois public access laws, including the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Open Meetings Act (OMA).
The Library’s Board of Trustees has designated a FOIA officer and an Open Meetings Act Officer. All FOIA requests should be directed to the FOIA Officer at The OMA Officer will ensure that the library is operating within the guidelines of the Open Meetings Act.
FOIA Officer: Brian Vagt, Library Director
OMA Officer: Doranita Tyler, Secretary, Board of Trustees
Is there a special form I have to use to make a FOIA request?
There is no specific form that must be used to make a request.
What can I ask for under the FOIA?
A FOIA request can be made for any agency record. You can also specify the format in which you wish to receive the records (for example, printed or electronic form). The FOIA does not require agencies to create new records or to conduct research, analyze data, or answer questions when responding to requests.
How long will it take before I get a response?
The response time for a FOIA request is 5 – 21 business days. Most FOIA responses are provided within 5 business days after receipt of the request. There are provisions for extension of 5 additional days, and by mutual agreement between the requestor and the library. For a commercial request, the response time for a FOIA request is 21 business days after receipt of the FOIA request. The amended FOIA defines a FOIA request for a commercial purposes [5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.] in those instances where a use of any part of the public record or records, or information derived from public records, in any form for sale, resale, or solicitation or advertisement for sale or services. Request by news media, non-profit, scientific or academic organizations are generally not considered to be for a commercial purpose.